Beyond the Genome, Cancer’s Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus –




Beyond the Genome, Cancer’s Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus –

This is an interesting article on the fascinating web that makes up cancer, including “pseudogenes”, “microRNA”, and the way cool symbiotic relationship that exists between us and microbial organisms. �I am utterly amazed at just how beautifully complex the world is. �I mean how cool is it that humans in Japan have developed a relationship with a microbe that assists in the digestion of seaweed (and thereby sushi’s seaweed wrappers)??

About Mr. Metcalfe

Hi! My name is Mr. Metcalfe. I live in CT with my amazing wife and three wonderful children. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with fly fishing and spend lots of time pursuing striped bass, trout, steelhead and salmon all around the great northeast. I am currently in the process of looking for a full-time biology/chemistry teaching position. This blog is a chance to share everything I love about the subjects and test out different topics, methods, etc. I would some day like to incorporate into my own classroom.

Posted on August 16, 2011, in Science Articles and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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