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Website Wednesday – Physics Classroom

Doing some research on something the other day, I happened across this website: The Physics Classroom.  It was a great site for an intermediary explanation of basic physics complete with tutorial, exercises, demonstrations and helpful graphs, examples, etc.  So I thought it was worth sharing.

  • It had what I call “checking in” questions interspersed in the lectures (which I think are so key because there is nothing that cement a concept like doing a couple of problems in the moment).
  • It has a complete Review section that has a series of MP questions and problems related to the different sections
  • It has a lot of quick simple animations that help drive concepts home.
  • Most of all, it is written largely in “layman’s terms”, which I find to be much more helpful and intuitive that what I will call “textbookease”.

A random screenshot...the Kinetic Energy tutorial